Mission Impossible
Enter all of these codes during the mission select (level select) screen.
C-Down, L, C-Up, C-Right, L - Gives you Giant Head Mode
C-UP, Z, C-UP, Z, C-UP - Gives you Turbo Mode
C-DOWN, C-UP, R, L, Z - Gives you Kid Mode
C-DOWN, R, C-UP, L, C-LEFT - Gives you Big Head Mode
C-DOWN, R, Z, C-RIGHT, C-LEFT - Gives you Big Feet Mode
C-RIGHT, C-LEFT, C-RIGHT, C-DOWN, R - Gives you Uzi with 30 rounds
R, L, C-LEFT, C-RIGHT, C-DOWN - Gives you Mini Rocket Launcher with 30 rockets
C-UP, L, C-RIGHT, C-LEFT, C-UP - Gives you 7.65 Silencer with 30 rounds
R, L, C-DOWN, C-UP, C-UP - Gives you 9mm HI POWER with 30 rounds
Note: After you enter a code correctly then you well hear Ethan saying "ah, that's better."