
Walking on the Invisible ceiling
You must have tiny bond. Go to the Bunker (1) and finish the level. Go up the stairs at the end without going through the door. Duck (R+DwnC) and crawl forward slowly. You should then you should be over the hallway, looking down. You will not be able to shoot down at guards.

Floating Mines
Go on two player, then go to remote mines on bunker. Throw mines on the eight tv's. Then trigger mines then refill on mines and then mines float.

Get back into vent on Facility
On the facility, if you want to get back into the vent on multiplayer or regular modes, hold the left c button until you duck, hold r and hold left (analog) all at the same time and you should levitate up.

Same player in multiplayer mode.
Play in multiplayer mode using two of the same character, Plug in four controllers. Enter multiplayer mode and select four characters with each controller, having player 3 and 4 be the duplicates. Go back to the multiplayer screen, and unplug controllers 3 and 4. Have players 1 and 2 select the same characters 3 and 4 did, go back to the multiplayer screen once again and plug players 3 and 4 back in. Be sure to change the player option back to four. When you begin the match, there should be two of the same character. Brought to you by

If you defeat all the stages on Secret Agent mode you will receive the aztec temple. If you defeat all the stages on 00 Agent you will get the egyptian temple and a new 007 mode. <

Invisible Mine Trick
Place mines on ammo boxes or armour then quickly pick up the item. The mine will now be invisible until the item reappears, but it's still there as your opponent will painfully and usually fatally discover.

Mine Tricks
Try placing mines on the back of doors or on stairs to make them difficult to spot.

All characters on Multi player mode:
Go to the multi player mode and enter this long code.
Hold L and R and press left C
Hold L and press up C
Hold L and R and press D-pad left
Hold L and press D-pad right
Hold R and press D-pad down
Hold L and R and press left C
Hold L and press up C
Hold L and R and press D-pad right
Hold L and R and press down C
Hold L and press D-pad down
